Last week on thursday,...i was informed by my grandma and auntie....atok jatoh...he was using tripod stand to walk coz he just recover from stroke that he alami last 3 years,,,atok feel so painful at his hip joint...i feel worried after saw his x-ray image...other ppl said his joing was isolated..but i believe it is bcoz of fracture...i told my auntie bout that....atok was so scared to go to the hospital..i dunno tua..biaselah...
and there was also one guy...who said he can cure atok by urutan ghaib???...supernatural ke???...
kita tawakal kan...ok lah,,done..but atok still in pain...
i was at Port Dickson when atok still drive in pain...friday i was at PD,..then saturday we bergegas to KL...coz atok condition damn terrible... :(
After i reach there,,i meet atok...i feel so pity and so sorry for what has happen...he was lying on the bed..but he's not feel comfortable...he mengadu kesakitan,,,at his hip my parent took decision to meet Orthopedic at Ampang Putri Specialist Hospital(APSH)...
During the consultation with the doctor,...DR ALI NOOR...
He told my dad that my atok condition was bad...if my atok dont undergo surgery immediately...i only could see my atok for about 1 month left,,, :(...noooooooooo!!!!...i cant do that!! abah was sad about that coz his father life...he feel guilty to tell this to all family member...and i feel sad too... :(((
After negotiation with all family member...we totally agree to send atok to APSH...for surgery...his RIgHT hip suffer the most...nak xnak...atok kena operate,,,doctor said,..the operation duration is around 1 hour...
my abah teman atok to operation theater...and along with pak long...i was so worried and cried that time...
pity atok...why Allah give these such ujian to u???...coz tuhan nak hapuskan dosa2 atok kot...
The operation going on more than 1 hour....almost 3 hours atok in O.T...
we all feel worried...
Ain was standing next to atok...she is massaging atok leg coz atok rase lenguh....we're in transit room before we shifted to our room at level 5...

the bone was inside the container with the red cap...everything was fine..and atok now ok....still need recovering...
Everyone was worried until atok went out from O.T...he was fine...but old people recover lambat and atok easily feel pain...we understand...i keep that sample for my future study coz i feel i wanna be Ortopedic...i experience crack ankle last time so....i wanna help other people or patience who faced the same thing...
i enjoy it...ini membuka mataku...
Thanks to DR ALI NOOR GHANI...the Ortopedic in APSH...damn good...go and meet him if u got broken or severe from bone dislocation...very nice guy and humble...his work not for money but from his sincere soul...i do admit his salary more than RM30k per month...itu x menjadi sandaran...coz Allah menyayangi insan yang menyayangi insan lain begitu juga dgn insan yang menyelamatkan nyawa insan lain....i believe that :)
Aku doakan atok kembali sihat seperti biasa..syg atok :)
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