Friday, September 30, 2011

Its not so hard rite? :)


Umar r.a. adalah salah satu dari sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w. Semenjak ia memeluk Islam kaum muslimin seakan memperoleh suatu kekuatan yang sangat besar. Sejak itulah mereka berani solat dan tawaf dikaabah secara terang-terangan. Umar r.a. adalah seorang yang wara, ia sangat teliti dalam mengamalkan Islam. Umar r.a. mempelajari surah Al-Baqoroh selama 10 tahun, ia kemudian melapor kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. , "Wahai Rasulullah s.a.w. apakah kehidupanku telah mencerminkan surah Al-Baqoroh, apabila belum maka aku tidak akan melanjutkan ke surah berikutnya".Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab, "Sudah..."!. Umar r.a. mengamalkan agama sesuai dengan kehendak Allah s.w.t. Kerana kesungguhannya inilah maka banyak ayat di Al-Quran yang diturunkan Allah s.w.t. berdasarkan kehendak yang ada pada hatinya, seperti mengenai pengharaman arak, ayat mengenai hijab, dan beberapa ayat Al-Quran lainnya.

Rasulullah s.a.w. seringkali menceritakan kepada para sahabatnya mengenai perjalannya mi'raj menghadap Allah s.w.t. Rasulullah s.a.w. sering pula menceritakan bagaimana keadaan surga yang dijanjikan Allah s.w.t. kepada sahabat-sahabatnya. Suatu hari ketika Rasulullah s.a.w. dimi'rajkan menghadap Allah s.w.t. malaikat Jibril a.s. memperlihatkan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. taman-taman surga. Rasulullah s.a.w. melihat ada sekumpulan bidadari yang sedang bercengkrama. Ada seorang bidadari yang begitu berbeda dari yang lainnya. Bidadari itu menyendiri dan tampak sangat pemalu. Rasulullah s.a.w. bertanya kepada Jibril a.s., "Wahai Jibril, bidadari siapakah itu"?. Malaikat Jibril a.s. menjawab, "Bidadari itu adalah diperuntukkan bagi sahabatmu Umar r.a.". Pernah suatu hari ia membayangkan tentang surga yang engkau ceritakan keindahannya. Ia menginginkan untuknya seorang bidadari yang berbeda dari bidadari yang lainnya. Bidadari yang diinginkannya itu berkulit hitam manis, dahinya tinggi, bagian atas matanya berwarna merah, dan bagian bawah matanya berwarna biru serta memiliki sifat yang sangat pemalu. Kerana sahabat-mu itu selalu memenuhi kehendak Allah s.w.t. maka saat itu juga Allah s.w.t. menjadikan seorang bidadari untuknya sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki hatinya".

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful :)

Frankly, i cry after i watch this video... T_T

Syukur. Alhamdulillah.

Monday, September 26, 2011

You're the LEADER of yourself...

What a nice talk by good speaker from Australia this morning in auditorium...her mother from ipoh and his dad from Sri Lanka.
I like the way he expressed towards what he had achieved nowadays...from somebody to someone...

And now he becomes Associate Prof Dr. in Uni. of Melbourne. Sgt disegani dan menjadi pakar rujuk.

So humble...he never think he is sitting with the top of other ppl...for him....what he is right what he has give so much to other ppl...

The passion and the compassion...sparkle from his intellectual,..what can we say...he's hardworking and he get paid for the hardness....

Either do nothing and go for surviving is the main point that being raised up....and he choose the 2nd one...

He ever told that he came from small family from sri lanka...but now he has citizenship of Aussie...

His wive from Malaysia...i believe his research is so beneficial to other ppl and he wrote his own Book under Elseview publisher...even he's not J.k Rowling.

Last word from his,...

" I want all of you succeed in this field and hope to see you in Melbourne, Australia oneday!"

And this automatically open my mind,  i pray and hope another day i would get a chance to be his student for the postgraduate course and be my tutor for my PhD. No one knows right,...coz i really mean it :)

Stanza Love

She is HER... ;P
adore HER in stanza <3 drama.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Plz OPEN you eyes.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Law Kaa Bainaa(FULL)

Andai Rasullulah s.a.w bersama kita...T_T
TV Al-Hijrah setiap Ahad, jam 9 malam.

Monday, September 12, 2011

No More ;)

Now i know why lots people need to buy more tissue paper.....i understand...

No More means No less...

Its in YOU!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ya Ilahi Rabbi

Ya Ilahi Rabbi.. Sempurnakanlah pekertiku
Sebagaimana Engkau menyempurnakan wajahku
Kurniakanlah rahmat bahagia ibubapaku
Berikan hidayah pada hati yang tertutup

Sebagai rimbunan daun-daun
Seandainya bilangan dosaku
Ya Allah ampunilah daku
Hamba bertaubat

Hai anak yang soleh, beruntunglah ayah dan bonda
Bagai mata air yang mengalir dalam syurga
Hai anak durhaka, pintu taubat masih terbuka
Jangan kau teruskan tingkah laku yang kecewa

Sebagai rimbunan daun-daun
Seandainya bilangan dosamu
Ya Allah ampunilah dia
Yang telah bertaubat

syahdu! T_T 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Are you ready???

She Smile...

Betul kata beliau..hehehe :D

xtatau nak habaq lagu mana dah... :)

Masturbation Facts

Masturbation is the process of bringing about a voluntary excitement of the sexual centers following generally by the discharge of semen, through some method other than normal sexual intercourse. In other words, "Masturbation" means ejaculation of semen by hand. There are various devices resorted to for the purpose, but because of the hand to practise it, it is widely known as "Hand Practice". This habit is also known as "Self-Abuse", since it is done by one’s own self by his own hand.
(DR Sayed, 2004)

This habit result with bad effect and harmful to our body. So, plz stop it b4 it stop you.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

oh Somaly

Allah saved somalian...give them food...avoid them from starvation....

Give them better the savior from outside...after one of malaysian voluntter died that day...

Mercy them...i cant see any of them died anymore...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cantik tapi gedik..mcm ain kontot-suke pink lagih???

The moral of the story:
"stop day dreaming in class and pay attention to your lecturer". At end of day, u ain't get nothing hehehe.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sejuk Perut Ibu Mengandung :)

He's crying while praying and worship to Allah...but we never cry when we do such sins and bad habits.

best! i like when he recite surah al-mulk at tv 9...sungguh merintih!

 Johan tilawah peringkat kebangsaan 1962, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1974, still looking for his CD at pasar malam or anywhere...the best!!!

Bi & Tri

Bodybuilder workouts are done by most guys to build bigger arms but often forget about the most basic principles in muscle building to make it happen. Here are 10 easy bodybuilder workouts and effective techniques for adding muscle size and thickness to your bi's and tri's:

10. Focus on your triceps - your triceps make up 2/3 of your arm’s size!

9. Mix it up. Use a variety of machines, cables and free weights.

8. Do more sets and fewer reps with heavier weight. Try a 5 x 5 or 8 x 8 set/rep scheme.

7. Change it up. If you usually start your arm training with biceps, start with triceps – it’ll keep your muscles guessing and growing!

6. Superset your bi’s and tri’s. Supersets really shock the muscles and stimulate new growth.

5. SQUEEZE! Squeeze every muscle contraction to drive as much blood and nutrients into your arms as possible!

4. Mix your grips. Perform a variety of wide-grip, close-grip and reverse-grip movements to hit all areas of your bi’s and tri’s.

3. SLEEP! Muscle growth happens while resting, not while reppin’ out. Be sure to get your eight hours in.

2. Use proper form. You’ll make more gains working with weights you can handle.

1. EAT MORE PROTEIN! Protein is the most important macronutrient you can consume if you wanna pack on muscle!

Incorporate any of these bodybuilder workouts tried and true muscle-building principles into your bodybuilder workouts routine and your arms will grow! And if there are any bodybuilder workouts that we missed, feel free to add them below! Share your tips with the world

Read more:

Thursday, September 1, 2011


berat bdnku naik balik...oh tidak...tidakk!!!!!

how to become fit n tough if i become like this????

xboleh jdi...reunion for ex-classm8 pun jadi pegi ke tak...

no reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get on track!!!